Monday, March 7: Monthly Board Meeting at the Beloit Campus.
Starts at 6:00 p.m.
The meeting will only be in-person; there will be no Zoom link for this meeting.

Sci-Fi Day at the high school; Costume Day for elementary! And the staff vs. student basketball game was a close one, but the staff came out on top, 54-53! For more pictures, visit https://photos.app.goo.gl/JYxfXezoMGtv2LPe6 .
Games start at 5:30 p.m. Admission is $2 an adult; $1 senior citizens and students; alumni are free!

Both campuses had a great time living in the past today! And Eddie Eagle made the rounds, too! See more pictures here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/5eVGRppyhcEoTdv99
Tomorrow's theme at the Beloit campus: SciFi Day (dress like a character from your class's movie). Staff vs. student basketball game, too!
Elementary students (Janesville campus): costume day!! (Dress like a princess, a dragon, a superhero, an athlete, a teacher, etc.--just nothing scary or violent.)
Both campuses are collecting donations for Project 16:49 all week.
And join us for the highlight of the week on Friday, Feb. 25: varsity girls and boys basketball games starting at 5:30 p.m.!

Due to potential icy road conditions, school will be canceled for Tuesday, February 22. This will be treated as a snow / cold day and will be rescheduled for a later date. There will be no online learning tomorrow.
All after school events are canceled as well.
Please be safe!

The Beloit Memorial High School “Knightingales” displayed their amazing talents at Rock County Christian School by performing a “Step Dance” routine. This historical and cultural art, led by Dancing Coach Regina Hendrix, was part of the Black History Month celebration at Rock County Christian School.
Other events this week at RCCS: Pastor Dannie Evans spoke at the Beloit campus chapel, the elementary school celebrated Valentine's Day, and several elementary students were caught showing love (our character trait for the month) to other students. For more pictures of this week's happenings, visit https://photos.app.goo.gl/xDxgg4HTM91TpPna6 .

This week at Rock County Christian School:
Kindergartners celebrated 100 days of school. Ms. Rita Hodges came back to RCCS and shared her experiences during the Civil Rights Movement. "Patient" elementary students earned some Texas Roadhouse. And the League of Women Voters stopped by to help seniors register to vote.
(For more 100 Day of Kindergarten pictures, visit https://photos.app.goo.gl/XRWqPffqen1WwZpS8.)

Friday Night Basketball
RCCS Eagles vs. Oakhil
JV Boys start at 4:30.
Varsity Girls and Varisty Boys follow.
Admission charged.

Next week's homecoming activities have been postponed.

The Varsity Eagles are in Lake Zurich, IL this weekend at the Dayspring Basketball Classic. Games are livestreamed here: https://dbc.edu/ . For more pictures from this year's season, visit https://photos.app.goo.gl/kkoNrLx3GbN3YNbR9 .

During the month of January, the elementary campus is catching each other being patient! Here are our first 3 patient people! We also finally made it outside for recess--bring on the heat wave! For more winter fun, check out our album at https://photos.app.goo.gl/2wJKKa251zGktEbE7 .

January's board meeting will be online only. Join us by clicking the links in the comment. The Godly stewardship meeting will also be online.

CHANGE OF VENUE: Friday's games against Oakhill are at the Janesville Community Center at Saint Patrick's, 305 Lincoln Street, Janesville.
Eagles Basketball vs. Oakhill
Friday, January 7
@Janesville Community Center at St. Patrick's
First game (JV) starts at 5:00 p.m.
Varsity girls and varsity guys will follow.
Let's support our Eagles and Lady Eagles as they face their favorite rivals!
(Admission is $3/adult, $2/student)

Sweater Day at RCCS! Visit https://photos.app.goo.gl/mebQT9q4Y2qk7La1A for more pictures!
For our latest newsletter, visit https://mailchi.mp/b4bea538548e/over-2000-collected !

There was no sleeping here today--too much fun! For more pictures, visit https://photos.app.goo.gl/tWofcD6Pkgrnoa9GA

January's lunch menu is up on the website:

Flannel Day and Christmas Hair--2 dress-up days down, 3 to go before Christmas break! For more pictures, visit https://photos.app.goo.gl/mndWbJnjGTgQBPQ46

For many years, Rock County Christian School has asked our families and staff to skip giving Christmas presents to each other, and instead give towards a special project. This year we are collecting donations for a special RCCS family in need. We have two more days to give.
Our goal is to raise $1500, which is approximately $5.50 per student/faculty member.
If we reach our goal, both campuses will have a non-coordinated dress day (meaning you can wear your favorite shirt!).
On top of that, the campus that raises the most money earns the right to pick a faculty member and make that person do something crazy (but probably not too crazy).
We only have a short window to collect (Tuesday, December 14 through Thursday, December 16). Checks can be made payable to RCCS with "Christmas giving project" in the memo. Thank you for helping us help this family!

Just a reminder that tonight's scheduled Christmas concert has been postponed and will be rescheduled for a date in January. In the meantime, please enjoy this reminder of the reason for the season! Merry Christmas!

Please read our latest newsletter here: https://mailchi.mp/57d239e86825/change-to-giving-project-please-read-christmas-dress-up-days-crate-drop-off

After learning about some babies in the old and new testaments, Rock County Christian School's grade one collected baby food as a community service project. This year it was donated to Janesville's House of Mercy. It was warmly received, and a grateful thank you letter arrived back at RCCS addressed to "Mr. Bartz and the Wonderful Class of First Graders."
The last paragraph of the letter read, "Many thanks for your wonderful donation of baby food items. Because you cared, many babies will have full tummies and a smile on their faces as your food items are shared with families who need a helping hand."