Get Involved

Rock County Christian School encourages parent involvement in our school!

The school holds to the belief that the education of children is the responsibility of the parent. We are very pleased to have parents as active participants in the educating of children at RCCS.

The Fine Arts and Athletics Boosters (FAB) and the PTF are always looking for parents to jump in and lend a hand!

Rock County Christian School

Join a Committee

If you are interested in being a part of one of our committees contact:

For a complete calendar of all committee meetings, please see our Events page.

Godly Stewardship Committee

Meets at 5:00pm on the same Mondays as Board Meetings

Community Relations Committee

Meets at 3:30pm on the 1st Tuesday of each month

Academic Excellence Committee

Meets at 3:30pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month

Spiritual Maturity Committee

Meets at 3:15pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month

Rock County Christian School


Volunteers are an important part of RCCS. Thanks for your willingness to serve!

In order to begin your volunteer service please:

  • Contact the school office.

  • Fill out the volunteer application (3 pages).*

  • Talk to the principal or head of school to set up a time to help.

*The volunteer application consists of 3 pages. Please print out 1-sided. Two of the pages look very similar, but all three pages must be filled out, signed and returned.  

Volunteer Application

Volunteer Brochure

Field Trips
Volunteers are occasionally needed to chaperone and/or drive for field trips.  In order to help, we need the following items:

  • Background check release authorization (found here)

  • Copy of a current driver's license

  • Proof of current insurance

  • You must have a background check to chaperone for a field trip, even if you are not driving.

Background checks take time to process, so please do this soon if you would like to help in this way. Please call 608-757-1000 with any questions or to request a background check release authorization form be sent home with your student.

Rock County Christian School

Rock County Christian School


As a Christian school, one of our major goals is to develop young leaders that serve from a Christian leadership perspective and who multiply themselves in others. We believe that this is accomplished through many different avenues, and that mentoring is a key component in this process.  Since our mentoring program started at RCCS, we have watched God use it in many ways:

  • peer mentoring (at our elementary campus)

  • student mentoring, where older students mentor younger students

  • formal parent/student mentoring in association with our high school leadership course

  • informal adult/student lunchtime mentoring

Lunchtime Mentoring:   We have expanded our program with “Lunchtime Mentoring”.  This is where an adult commits to having lunch or spending a “study hall period” with an assigned student each week (or bi-weekly) at our Beloit campus.  These kids need to have someone to encourage them, connect with them, listen to them and believe in them.  You may be meeting with them only twice a month, but the impact you have on them can last a lifetime. The mentoring program isn’t for everyone, but if you have a heart for kids it is for you. 

Each adult is carefully matched with a student according to their interests, background, and needs. Mentors are encouraged to share about their careers and ask students about their goals, struggles and successes. All mentors must agree to a background check and brief training before beginning the  mentoring relationship.

Please pray about our mentoring program and ask God if you have something to share with a student at RCCS. If you are interested in participating in our mentoring program or would simply like more information, please call 608-757-1000 or email

Don’t just write this generation off….sit down with them and get involved with their lives. You may never know the impact you are having on them this side of heaven, but if you are willing to share your life with them, you can make a difference in their future!! 

More About Mentoring