In accordance with our mission, we are committed to high academic standards. We strive to help all of our students achieve scholastic success, which we believe is based on a Christ-centered worldview. We encourage creativity, critical thinking, and good study habits. Our students’ cumulative annual achievement scores are consistently one to two years above the national average.
Our teachers are certified professionals dedicated to preparing students for service to God and their neighbors in every area of life. They are distinctive in that each teacher understands that his/her commitment to Christian education is a ministry as well as a profession. They are qualified educators that take a sincere interest in each student, which creates a classroom with a loving and nurturing environment so learning can be facilitated to achieve above average results.
Biblical integration is emphasized in every class, not just Bible class. The memorization of the Scriptures is a required learning activity for all students. There are certain doctrines (such as baptism, spiritual gifts, eschatology, etc.) on which the school will not take a stance. Instruction on these doctrines will be referred to parents and pastors.