Spiritual Life
Rock County Christian School is committed to developing Christian character, integrity, and faith in our students. We take our role as a partner with parents and churches seriously and strive to fulfill the commission to "Train up a child in the way he should go" (Proverbs 22:6).

We believe in the power of prayer, as it is a vital component in our RCCS life! We invite you to join us as we set time aside to pray for our students, their families, and for God’s continued guidance.
Throughout the year our Spiritual Maturity committee will provide opportunities for corporate prayer.
Staff at each campus meet to pray over students, have a group devotion, and support one another.
You’re invited to join us at the Beloit Campus on Thursdays from 8:15am-8:45am to pray over our school.
Prayer calendars are made available to unify our focus and pray for specific needs.

The RCCS Chapel Program is meant to introduce, enrich, and grow our students in their faith. Chapel happens weekly at each campus with students playing an integral role in praise and worship and lesson leading. Once a year we set aside an entire week to dig even deeper as a community. During our Spiritual Emphasis Week we have chapel each day focused on a specific theme geared to all students.
The school invites area pastors, missionaries, Christian college representatives, our staff members, and our students to speak in chapel services. Parents are always welcome to attend chapel services.

Prayer Requests
If you have a prayer request that is weighing on your heart, please email the office at either campus. We love to support our families through prayer.
If you are interested in being a part of our Spiritual Maturity Committee, please contact: board@rccs.us
When do we meet?
3:15pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month
In John 13:14-15, Jesus set the example for us to serve others. In order to help create hearts for service, we plan service projects for all students across both campuses. Our focus is to be an asset to both our school family and our local community through intentional acts of service. As a part of our Bible curriculum, high school students are required to complete community service hours over the course of the school year. Our goal is not only to educate our students academically but also to encourage them to work within their community and make a difference in the world around them.
At the beginning of each school year, we spend time building relationships and community among our students & staff through the Fall Retreat. While it may look different at each campus, the results are the same. We spend time together focused on faith, fun, and our RCCS family. Starting the school year in this way creates an undeniable connection and a great place to start growing together.