Hot Lunch Program

A hot lunch program is available at each of our campuses. A menu will be posted online (Sycamore) for you to review. If you would like your child to participate, please make your selections in Sycamore by the 28th of the previous month and send your payment to the school office. Lunch must be prepaid, lunches will not be billed to tuition accounts. If you had ordered lunch on a school day canceled by inclement weather, you may notify the school office for a lunch credit. This credit is your responsibility to claim and based on the honor system. There is no credit given for sick days.

Hot lunch is offered Mondays-Wednesdays at our MS/HS Campus and Mondays-Fridays at our Elementary Campus.

Rock County Christian School

Rock County Christian School

How to Order Hot Lunch

  • Log in to your Sycamore account

  • On the left side of the screen, scroll to "My Accounting." Click on it.

  • Choose "Cafeteria."

  • Click on "Orders."

  • Use the drop-down menus to select the lunches that your student(s) would


  • IMPORTANT STEP! Click the "UPDATE" button. (You should see the

    amount you owe once you have clicked update.)

Once your items have been ordered, please send payment to school before the lunch cycle begins.

Any questions? Contact either office (608-757-1000)